API Reference
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API Reference
Error messageDescription
AUTHENTICATION_FAILEDError on authentication. Check your sign.
FORBIDDENYou do not have permission to perform
action. Check setting on your web panel.
MARKET_DOES_NOT_EXISTMarket does not exist.
CURRENCY_DOES_NOT_EXISTCurrency does not exist.
NOT_ALLOWED_CURRENCYNot allowed currency.
STORE_IS_INACTIVEStore is inactive and can not perform any
operation on it.
SOURCE_CURRENCY_MUST_BE_SETsourceCurrency parameter must be set.
DESTINATION_CURRENCY_MUST_BE_SETdestinationCurrency parameter must be
WRONG_PAYMENT_ADDRESSWrong payment address.
WITHDRAWAL_NOT_ALLOWEDWithdrawals are forbidden.
OPERATION_ALREADY_PERFORMEDOperation has been already performed. Occurs when you use operation-id header multiple times.
WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_SMALLER_THAN_FEEThe value of withdrawal is smaller than fee.
FETCHING_CURRENCIES_ERRORThe available markets are not available
right now. Try again later.
PAYMENT_DOES_NOT_EXISTPayment does not exist.